Inhaled water – Legionnella and Mycobacteria
AIM To provide a detailed review and assessment of the transmission of infections through water aspiration and the conditions that enable growth of Legionella pneumophila, Mycobacteria and other pathogens in man-made water environments.
  • Legionnaire’s disease.
  • Ways of transmission, risk factors associated with transmission, prevention, epidemics, risk assessment, EWGLI and ELDSNet, epidemiological methods, treating infected systems.
  • Non-tuberculosis mycobacteria
  • Legionnaire’s disease as a significant nosocomial infection.
  • Comparison of legionellosis with COVID-19. Differences and similarities.
OUTCOME On completing the module students will know how to apply methods to prevent the occurrence of cases or clusters of cases of Legionnaire’s disease, mycobacterial infections and methods to disinfect affected facilities.


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